Give Your Bass Some Love

Hello my fellow producers! Today I am sharing with you a saturation rack made to pimp up your productions — from super-fat low end to sizzling highs!

Ok, I will keep this short and sweet, I know most of you guys just want to get your hand on this. I present to you — the ParaSat — parallel saturation rack for Ableton Live (9 and above).

First question: Why do you need one? Because it is the best way to boost frequencies when you EQ feels “too thin” for the job. So this rack not only boosts but controls soundness and peaks. Handy, eh?

Second question: What does it do? Selective saturation of a frequency band via high pass and low pass filtering. For example, you may want to selectively saturate just the low end of a kick and mix that in with the original signal for some beefy low end. There is also a compressor at the end of the wet chain, in case you want to squeeze the life out of that dirty signal! Hehe

Third question: How much is it?  C’mon bro, it’s free. I love to share with you 😉


ParaSat Parallel Saturation Rack

ParaSat Parallel Saturation Rack

Just try it with the default setting on your drum bus. Yes, I know Ableton have added more native plugins to Live 10 which might do a similar job. Well, I thought I’d save your day from having to buy expensive third-party saturation plugins 😉

Download, enjoy & spread the love –> ParaSat Parallel Saturation Rack


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