You are currently browsing the Live Racks posts tagged: bass

Impact Chain

Tired of nicking someone else’s “impact”-type-of-sound for your next big hit?

Why not create your own impact effects with this simple rack!

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Subtractor wave set bass

Ok, this is a beast – a complete wave set re-sampled directly from Reason’s Subtractor into Ableton’s Sampler.

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Yay bass

A follow-up to Zeds Dead Growling bass tutorial on YouTube, I have packed an Operator in a rack to reproduce that “yay”-type of bass.

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Square wobble bass

Based on Ableton Daily’s Wobble Bass with Analog tutorial,  I have further worked on the patch and created an Instrument Rack – including rack controls with a few tweaks (like stereo spread, for example) and a solid bottom sine.

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